Pattern: hopper - offset - oblique - Dialog - Input parameters

Pattern: hopper - offset - oblique

Parameter input form


  • Ends 1 & 2 dimensions: External
  • Development precision [divisions]: 96
  • DXF text height: 2.5
  • Input and drawing file units: Millimeters

Some tips related to this pattern::

  • Input measurements are internal.
  • Centered objects can be obtained by setting the offset inputs to 0 (ZERO).
  • By inputting X2=X1, Y2=Y1, AND dY=dX=0, you can generate a straight rectangular duct.
  • The bending lines can be considered as bends with minimal inside bending radius (R int ~ 1.29 * T) or as cutting lines that form a V-groove corner joint.
  • Angle input = 0 (zero) gives a parallel pattern
  • Angle inputs are in degrees.